Now is the time for you to know the Truth about Manifestation

Laura Hulleman
5 min readAug 27, 2020

Manifestation it’s not what you think it is.

The word manifestation remains a hot topic in spiritual and metaphysical circles.

It’s a topic that a lot of people wanna know about. How can we create more synchronicity into the world and in our lives? How can we get more of what we want? How do we live in the flow and the ease?

In recent decades many gurus have risen up with the “solution”. These self-appointed saviors stand before humanity, like Moses stood before the Israelites in the wilderness. They raise their arms and they say:

“This is the way! Follow me! I will lead you to the promised land.”

These gurus have touted everything from:

  • writing your goals daily
  • vision boards
  • gratitude journals
  • affirmations
  • “You must be fully committed”
  • and so many more “cures”

Because people are craving ease in their life, they follow one “expert” after another. They devote themselves to the “cure” and even to the latest guru they are following.

They follow the process, but most experience limited results. That’s not to say that there are no results. Some people experience great results applying the gurus practices. But for others, many, many others, the results are very limited, if any at all.

Have you tried some of these manifestation methods?

Which guru or guru method have you tried?

Are you now experiencing a life of complete flow and ease?
If you are, Great! This article is not for you.

If you are thinking “I could use more flow and ease,” keep reading.

If you haven’t gotten the results you wanted, likely you have asked yourself what went wrong. Why did these methods work for some people but not for you?

If you ask these gurus and their supporters, the answer is often

“You must have done it wrong”.

“You weren’t fully committed”

“You didn’t follow all the steps”

“Did you skip days?”

This is the easy answer and one that our often wounded psyche can get behind. “It must be my fault. I must have done something wrong. I guess I have to work harder!”

Wrong! Absolutely wrong!

If you take nothing else away today I want you to take this, it is not your FAULT!

Why is it so easy to believe we are the failure when it comes to manifesting?
There is a protective side of us that has been so a-custom to failure. It’s purpose is to look for and tallies all our failures. Believe it or not, there is also a benefit to this part of us. It is this part of us that is quick to believe it MUST be our fault if their program doesn’t work. Again I will say, WRONG!

Why then do these “cures” work for some and not for others?

To understand, we have to strip this way back to an establishing principle. Can we agree people are designed different?

  • We think differently.
  • Our brains work differently
  • Our personalities are different.

Why then would we think that there is one way to manifest things into our life? This can never be a one “cure” fits all. Because we are all designed differently, we all manifest things differently.

This explains why the “cures” work great for some people. All those gurus have stumbled upon a way of manifesting that work for them. They believe that this way will work for everyone. So from a place of good motives (for many) they start to teach it. As people start listening, their platform expands until they are shouting from the rooftops. Some of their followers happen to have a design like the guru. For these select few, the “cure” works. This becomes “evidence” that if it doesn’t work for you, YOU must be the problem.

So how do we manifest then?

The first step in understanding how to manifest is to understanding our own design. There are many tools out there for this. Today our purpose is to understand the how to and do a little exploration.

Humans are dualistic in design. We have seen this displayed in art over and over again.

  • The angel and the demon on perched on opposite shoulders
  • Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
  • Ying Yang
  • Good vs Evil

This duality is real. This duality creates alignment and balance inside of oneself, if you know how to use it.

Your manifesting practice rejects this dualism. To find your practice you must look for a hidden strength and a hidden weakness. Things we do well are always paired with our protective, limiting parts.

Approach this exploration with curiosity and intuition. Set aside “doing it right” and judgment for now. If you find that difficult ask a few trusted people to give you feedback.

You are looking for something you do well and something that is your Achilles heel.

First, what is something you do that others appreciate. This thing isn’t even something you contemplate how to do. This naturally happens. Maybe it is

  • using your intuition
  • how you love people
  • speaking up for others or teaching
  • empowering people
  • creating a space of belonging
  • helping people connect

Next, what is your Achilles heel? Something that is such a struggle, you don’t even talk about it. Maybe it is:

  • Showing how much you love people
  • Owning your worth
  • Standing in your power
  • Being able to envision the path ahead

These two things together will make up your path to manifesting.

How do you use these?

Create opportunities that allow you to express both your hidden strength and weakness. It will be easy to do that with your strengths. When you discern your blindspot, you will need to positively engage it. By intentionally engaging this area it will expand. This will create balance and flow.

It is just that easy. By expressing these, you will find all the things you are in alignment with flow to you with ease. The most challenging part is spending the time exploring your design.

Forge your own path to your dreams, don’t follow someone else’s.



Laura Hulleman

I live with my 2 sons in a treehouse in Wisconsin. I help empower others with knowledge of their design